Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Feb 15, 2014 12:57:59 GMT
Latest changes: - should no longer page out the end of the game code when saving games - shouldn't save a loading screen unless the user has supplied one - fixed a minor screen corruption issue in the jump table editor - added RGB value display to the palette editor for clarification Zippyshare downloadSendspace download
Post by lukebord1 on Feb 15, 2014 15:57:22 GMT
Awesome!... Thanks Jon!
Post by alessandro on Feb 16, 2014 11:14:42 GMT
Thanks a lot!
Post by gabriele1969 on Mar 16, 2014 12:32:11 GMT
Hey Jonathan thanks for the update I am having problems with the main player disappearing when moving from one screen to the next one...it doesn't happens all the time so I wonder why is that happening... you can see this happening at 1.10 and 2.57 of this video www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6A9TL1UBKI&feature=youtu.be
Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Mar 16, 2014 16:35:20 GMT
That's a strange one, I'm every bit as puzzled as you are. Could you post an example of the code you use to change the screen?
Post by gabriele1969 on Mar 16, 2014 17:52:51 GMT
Post by gabriele1969 on Mar 16, 2014 18:19:32 GMT
Ok here is the full sprite 0 code the player disappears always if jumping when going between the bottom left screen to the right bottom one...sometimes also when walking from bottom left to bottom right ...never happens the other way around...
if key 5 waitkey endif
if x>150 screendown redraw let x=5 endif
if key 4 jump beep x
if key 3 if x<=8 screenup redraw let x=148 else if ladderabove spriteup if frame=1 beep2 endif let image=3 (that is the sprite for Mario climbing the ladder) if a=0 (conts between 1 and 0 in the main loop) animate endif else let image =b (changes sprite according to direction, when out ladder) endif endif else if key=2 if x>150 screendown redraw let x=5 else if ladderbelow spritedown if frame=1 beep 2 endif let imageL3 if a=0 animate endif else let image=b endif endif else if key=0 if y>151 screenright subtract 2 from x let y=8 else if cangoright let b=1 let image=1 if a=0 animate endif spriteright endif endif else if key 1 if y<=8 screenleft subtract 2 from x let y=152 else if cangoleft let image=0 let b=0 if a=0 animate endif spriteleft endif endif else frame 1 endif endif endif if cangodown fall beep x endif
Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Mar 16, 2014 18:41:27 GMT
The code looks good to me. The only thing I'd point out is that you don't need to subtract 2 from x when moving between screens if you use EXIT instead. So something like this should save a few bytes:
if y<=8 screenleft let y=152 exit else ..
If there's a problem moving one way it points to there possibly being an issue with the destination screen. Have you checked the sprites that are on that bottom right screen?
Post by gabriele1969 on Mar 16, 2014 20:33:36 GMT
the bottom right screen only has the player sprite and two more sprites (for the two barrels) just like the bottome left screen...this really alway happens when jumping from left screen to right screen (sometimes also when walking) ...don't know what is going on ... The code looks good to me. The only thing I'd point out is that you don't need to subtract 2 from x when moving between screens if you use EXIT instead. So something like this should save a few bytes: if y<=8 screenleft let y=152 exit else .. If there's a problem moving one way it points to there possibly being an issue with the destination screen. Have you checked the sprites that are on that bottom right screen?