Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Mar 11, 2018 18:08:08 GMT
Managed to shut myself away for the weekend without distractions. No TV, no internet and just a couple of hours down the pub on Saturday night. The result is that I've managed to put together some Windows editors. They're rather BASIC at the moment and editors for things like events, messages and sprite positions are missing. Nevertheless, this will allow you to create multi-format games on a PC and export a .AGD file. Obviously you'll then have to paste in your events code, messages and sprite positions manually. You can also import snapshots of AGD games and have a play with them. Then, at the click of a mouse, you can change from Spectrum to CPC or Timex and start playing with the graphics on those machines too. I'm sure some people will have teething problems running this but hopefully it's a step in the right direction. V0.5.zip (465.42 KB)
Wacky Amoebatron
Posts: 41
Post by mulder on Mar 12, 2018 18:34:14 GMT
This is great news Jonathan!
Bug report - Just had a little play on my new Win 10 laptop, and already found that when I saved a project and opened it up again, the test screen I made was corrupted.
Central Cavern
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Posts: 1
Post by Jaff on Mar 12, 2018 21:11:50 GMT
64 bit only?
Post by hallowedone on Mar 21, 2018 10:01:24 GMT
Its not a Windows Application is it? When I run it my Windows defender and Norton goes ballistic and it doesnt run
Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Mar 21, 2018 17:02:25 GMT
Mulder Was it just the screen that was corrupt? Were the blocks okay, for example? If you upload the project file I can take a look at it if you like
Jaff I'll try doing a 32-bit build soon
Hallowedone Yes, it's a Windows program
Wacky Amoebatron
Posts: 41
Post by mulder on Mar 25, 2018 8:18:27 GMT
Hi Jonathan. I've replicated the bug with a new project. MulderSource.agd was saved before I saved the project. MulderProject was then saved, and I re-opened it to save MulderSource2.agd. I noticed that when I open the project, sometimes a block appears in the screen but mostly it's a blank screen. On my previous project, I don't remember if the blocks were placed in the same pattern everytime, but there were random blocks in random places the first time I re-opened it. I guess it could be the way it's opening the file rather than the file itself. Blocks are fine, they save/load as they should. Attachments:MulderBugTest.zip (927 B)
Post by johnreid on Apr 10, 2018 16:03:06 GMT
Cool! Thanks.
Post by Jonathan Cauldwell on Apr 20, 2018 18:28:54 GMT
I've had a play with those files.
Yes, the blocks are okay but the screen is empty in the project file. So I tried recreating your data from scratch, saving, shutting down and then re-loading but there were no problems doing that with my latest version. Took a good look at the code to read/write the screens to and from the project file just in case but there was nothing obvious there.
Hopefully I've fixed it but it may be one to keep an eye on. I did fix a problem with the screen compression a little while back, so it could have been that.
Fingers crossed there'll be a new version this weekend so let's see how that performs.